Which William Twine

I have a marriage record in the Bosham Parish records for William Twine and Susannah Dudding, married in Bosham on 09 August 1770. Unfortunately, the record doesn't list the parents of either of the couple, or any other information for that matter.

I've been unable to locate a death record in the Bosham or Fishbourne Parish records for William either, so it's difficult to confirm his birth date that way.

Assuming that William was born in Bosham, there are two possible records:
05.10.1744 born to Thomas and Jane Twine
17.08.1735 born to John and Mary Twine
Searching on Ancestry, I found another user that had the same marriage in their tree, and had listed Thomas and Jane as the parents - perhaps they have some information I don't? I've sent a message via Ancestry to find out!

If William was born in 1735 the following would be true:
  • Married aged 35
  • First child at 36
  • Last child at 62
Stranger things have happened, Susannah would have been 49 when the last child was born!

1 comment:

  1. Update: In the Bosham Parish records, I found a burial record for William, son of John and Mary in 1835.

    That about settles it then, unless of course William wasn't born in Bosham at all.
